Margaret Jean Perflipisklup

I had to define “smegma”.

I feel kind of bad because I’m sure our friend Randy doesn’t need to have that commented on *every time*, but I just can’t help it.

Hey! Stay away from Randy!

Jennifer’s outfit is super weird from the front, but at 0:26 when she hugs Kim, you can see that somehow the straps of the black dress are on the outside of the white shirt? How can the white shirt be on the outside in the front but the inside in the back?

Purdue OWL just posted some guidance embracing the singular they, and for inclusivity as well as grammar.

God. Everything is terrible. I feel terrible for Anthony Rapp and for all the other likely victims. I feel terrible that there are people who knew these things and didn’t do anything about them. And I feel terrible because there are homophobic losers all over Twitter delighted that a “hollyweirdo” is getting what’s

There are comments on that original one that indicate folks had read that story before on creepypasta.

Seriously. I end up muting the tab in Chrome because there’s no way to mute the ad. I have adblock at home, and I sometimes feel bad that I’m not supporting the free content, but when the ads are this intrusive, I feel less bad.

As an Chicagoan now living in Wisconsin, I was surprised to see it lumped in.

Holy shit Ijeoma Oluo is Lindy’s sister-in-law?? How fucked that Lindy had to leave Twitter, because I bet the two of them together is highly entertaining and unstoppable.

My fiance and I moved to a rural but also relatively liberal part of Wisconsin. The problem is there just aren’t the kind/volume of jobs available out here than there are in the suburbs we came from.

Word for word my feelings. Thank you.

I’m so late to the party but I’m surprised no one linked to this:

Sort of creepily nestling up against a person without being obvious about it, like when trying to flirt with someone at a bar/party. It’s generally not good.

I mean, McCain knows this is also “ramming” it through, which is why he won’t vote for it, but seriously yeah, a year of hearing and amendments is not ramming it through. They’ll call it that just because it passed and they didn’t vote for it.

I’m glad McCain has some kind of morals and is sticking up for the idea of doing things the right/normal way, but his statement mentions how ACA was “rammed through” and I out loud said “shut the fuck up” at work.

Getting Dark Willow vibes from Clay Aiken down there.

Looks like Craig Ferguson’s set