Margaret Sanger

You face lips are too small!

I saw a documentary once that found that many women go their whole lives without ever seeing their own lady parts.


Can Kylie Jenner’s Labia Lip Kit be far behind?

Can’t we counterprogram? Maybe some Georgia O’Keeffe paintngs?

mwittier took the time to carefully explain some concepts to you, concepts that you had either asked about, or demonstrated a lack of. That is the opposite of mean.

all of this forever. your comments keep me coming back to the jez comment section. never change!

because clearly they would never send something like this to anybody

Setting aside that it's her god damn job, why the hell SHOULD she have to stay off the internet. And you don't get to be the arbiter of what people should and shouldn't take seriously.

Well said.

The medium they’re using.

It’s not part of anyone’s job to put up with abuse. Thick skins are good, but saying “You should toughen up” to the person who is being abused doesn’t do a damn bit of good. That person is already stronger than most of us, for persisting and prevailing in a career where she’s regularly subjected to that stuff.

Let me guess, you are a guy? We don’t have the ever present worry that someone might rape or kill us just because they wanted to or perceived some offence directed towards them. Women constantly have to deal with this. When was the last time some random commenter wished that you would be raped to death? I most

Look what happened to that one sportswriter who got filmed in her hotel room and actually won a judgement. The online garbage fire hose got turned up to ELEVEN with a quickness. Can’t win for losing.

Please, show me where the rape threats are in Rovell’s mentions? Show me where someone tweets his home address and threatens to murder his family? These women would KILL to only have to deal with the “vitriol” in Rovell’s mentions. And if you seriously can’t comprehend the difference between “delete your account” and

Or even Nicole Brown. How many 911 calls with the sickening sounds of violence clear for everyone to hear and it didn’t stop her from being killed.

Travis is a troll with a platform and Rovell but I see no death and rape threats their way constantly for just stating an opinion so...Nope.

“If it happened in real life people would be in jail for harassment and stalking.”

This is one of those things that highlights the bullshit of the #NotAllMen argument. Because it’s like, well, obviously, dumbasses. but when you don’t stand up for the women who have been threatened and victimized (just for doing their fucking jobs)- you are still part of the problem. At least maybe now they

I get told all the time that “Twitter isn’t real life.” But it IS real life.