Margaret Sanger

They are TERRIBLE! Autistic kids are always treated like burdens on their family—you should be SCARED of autism because your autistic kid will RUIN YOUR LIFE! My fav ad is one where a woman—in front of her autistic daughter—admits she once considered driving them both off a bridge and only didn’t because of her

Autism Speaks is the worst. Their official position may be “we don’t know if vaccines cause autism” (which of course is bullshit) but they routinely host presenters who do at their conferences.

I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the

There are reasons why Autism Speaks is considered a terrible organization by many. In addition to their dalliance with the anti-vax crowd, they are focused on preventing and curing Autism, which does not square with the view that people with Autism think differently, but not necessarily worse. Helping Autistic people

The ways he’s looking at her, though.

Yeah, you’re on to me. I am just a part of the media conspiracy. There’s definitely no basis in reality for either anything I said, or mistrust of Putin.

The initial part of the article about Rosberg not engaging Putin right away is probably advice Nico got frm his father Keke. As an international businessman there are certain individuals it’s better to stay away from. Putin being one and Flávio Briatore another. Putin is probably rather engaging and cunning at getting

Oh goodie, here come the Putinbots and the butthurt Russian expats who escape to the west either because it has better opportunities or to launder money, but still hold loyalties to the dictator.

Putin is a complete and utter piece of shit. Stalin would love him.

Three men are sitting in Russian prison shortly after the Russian Grand Prix. The 2nd man turns to the other two and asks them why they are there.

Lay off the vodka comrade.

Easy Vladimir.

OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

He said “we paid for you” and also didn’t respond to her “stop” and “no.” Maybe it sounds very radical fem but camera lens can be male gazey and with the non consent here this feels kind of rapey (no, that doesn’t undermine actual rape...this is a different degree but in my understanding there is a spectrum of

Right before the hiring, his father Bill’s Twitter was hacked, showing a video of him smoking out of a gas mask.

She’ll be on the cover of Vogue in 15 years. She’s already a better model than Kendall Jenner.

so many racist, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic assholes like Trump?

“Shut up, bitch! Trump’ll be the best for you! He’ll do the most for you! Get back in the kitchen!”

Keep doing it. Keeeeeeeeeep aligning yourself with racists, Trump. Our country is diverse and many of those non-white voters are terrified of you. Dig your own grave, buddy. (eta: I realize this is about his supporters, not him, but like, come on)