He would have Furguson scratch and then smell it himself! Oooh! I want that to happen next season so badly!!
He would have Furguson scratch and then smell it himself! Oooh! I want that to happen next season so badly!!
I love Lamorne Morris. Like how is he really kind of Winston?
Yep, I have a family with jacked up teeth too. I swear if I ever have a kid, finding someone with naturally good teeth to procreate with is on my list of requirements.
Apparently the retainer is going to be a permanent fixture in my life (at night, one year full time). Ugh. Teeth!
I was too far gone for Invisalign. So much sadness. But I have the “clear” ceramic braces. Which still suck because they tear up your mouth.
Some times I just want them to rip all the teeth out and start over. And then I think about how weird it is to me that I am getting just one implant after all of this. But the gap they are creating for the implant is growing pretty fast so I am hoping it will be less than two years total.
Oh my. Oh my. I have so much sympathy for you. I am only on month 5 of my two years and I can't imagine 5 years. Ugh.
And here I am as a regular person who has two have braces for TWO years. Wish I could have gotten my shit fixed in 3 months.
Yaaaas! I might have to make myself a slushy now!
Oh no!
I’m doing alright started to feel better last night. And I went to the movies by myself today!
The thing with the friend just happened this week. She and I have a hot and cold relationship. Meaning any time I stand up for myself she has nothing to do with me for a few months.
I am getting so fucking pissed off right now about the text from the last dude I was banging about me leaving shit at his house.
It’s like the world fucking ends when you go to pee or something.
That was my understanding of it. But a lot of burners keep telling me that it's per month
Yeah, it’s bullshit.
Please do! Also No1Curr. Her’s is her username here but with an acronym at the end. She is off of mine too.
I love dry heat.
Regardless, it’s bullshit. If you aren’t neglecting your job in any sense when you get it, it’s bullshit.
Cold shower before bed sounds like the right plan.