She literally broke the record for number of Grammys won. How the fuck is that a snub?
She literally broke the record for number of Grammys won. How the fuck is that a snub?
AV Club just likes to complain and snark these days. This article is like something a petty high schooler would write.
Oh fuck off.
This just seems childish of the A.V. Club.
100 percent agree. Fuck his politics but this is grade school.
This is so childish, stupid, and self-congratulatory, it’s insulting.
Yeah, so Sanders has perhaps the largest proportion of PoC voter support out of any 2020 candidate, but sure, go ahead and erase them because they don’t share your centrist positions
Literally one of the biggest stories of the 2018 midterms was AoC, who went out to campaign with Sanders, who will most likely endorse…
those are really good points and I’d love to have seen them explored in the movie, but I found they where dealt with obliquely, if at all. (I said downthread) I wanted the movie to be about the impact of Facebook - socially, politically, even in it’s first few years - and not just a behind-the-scenes creation myth.…
I’d really prefer to read an article of the same length convincing me that Social Network actually is a masterpiece. Good movie, but “one of the defining films of the decade”?