Well, I guess the 18-year-old kid who was interviewing me did.
Well, I guess the 18-year-old kid who was interviewing me did.
Actual feedback from an interview (paraphrased, because it was 1999):
Oh. My. God. That last one just broke my heart.
She survived the fucking Siege of Leningrad (!!) only to be mowed down by a cop with 2 previous similar accidents. Unbelievable.
It's just that for some of us they're not funny. Or fun. The fun is in seeing the creep get his comeuppance. Doing something to the food is just weaselly. I realize the power structure there makes it really, really difficult to confront the dumbass, but there's not a lot of satisfaction if the dumbass never knows…
Yes. Also, jeez always tip people who work with your food or hair. Cut your own hair if you don't want to tip or go to a beauty school where someone can practice on you.
Amen to that. I found a great DM and married him.
I'm a 20% tipper. You'd have to stab me in the face to get that knocked down.
I seriously hate all stories that involve fucking with people's food. Gross.
My mother was working in a restaurant when she was 20, and she had previously warned the manager on numerous occasions about serious issues with the smoke hoods, and the air vent. The manager never did anything about it.
Yeah, I'm not getting the proportions at all. If you can make RIHANNA look stumpy and wide, something is wrong. Maybe this is just her saying "Fuck all y'all, I'm so hot, I can work a giant shower loofah"
Honestly, I just don't need to see that. I feel like her actions are the equivalent of a pair of plastic chattering teeth, wound-up and placed in front of our faces, going off forever and a day. Zip it, lady.
My wife is constantly leaving stuff in books and then forgetting where they are. Money, Post-It notes, receipts-whatever she can stick between the pages of a book, you better believe that she will.
I'm reading this and I feel like I might throw up. Aside from the part where I am not dead, this could be a story about me and my ex-husband. I'll freely admit to an anonymous room full of strangers that it takes a very particular thing for me to feel fully involved in a sexual encounter, and that thing is blades,…
What's not to understand? He entered into the exit of the lobby and took the lift via the stairways to the floors between 7 and 1 and time minute numbers order doesn't matter proofread never. Simple.
So "Behind Closed Ovens" exists at least partly to encourage the belief that people in the service industry are deserving of respect... yet you also encourage said people to do things, like loogie in omelets, that aren't in the least bit deserving of respect. Interestingly circular, and flawed, logic....
You know what's fucked up? Reading this, my first strong reaction was "Kamau, you can't buy something and not get a bag! You know better!!" As a black man, I can't stress how often my parents and older siblings drilled into my head the fact that I could never, ever buy anything without getting a bag and, if possible,…
He was dressed in normal human clothes! Do you need to be wearing a tie to be treated with respect?!
Out of all the stories so far this one got me the most verklempt. Miss John Ritter in this world so much.