Pug Star

Legally, probably not. Morally/ethically, I'd say yes. He's had some well-documented issues with substance abuse, mental illness and self-harm, and I'd say this piece was a monumentally stupid decision given his background and the possibility his audience members might harm him. However, his lack of foresight does not

<i>What if this baby elephant was actually trying to gruesomely kill the dog? </i>

Thanks for clarifying you are white. It was unclear given your question.

Right, because they probably also didn't say "please don't murder Shia La Beouf" and no one tried to kill him (as far as we know) so like you said, there is that unspoken fine print as to what is or isn't okay, acceptable or excusable, and obviously rape falls in that category. I just... I feel like there's no real

I think there's a lot going on in the piece that really ignores the ways in which these fantasies are located in the context of a giant capitalist industry that tells you your wedding day is the most important day of your life. I think we should resist that, question why we are marketted certain ideas about how a

If we called it Fantasy Wedding and had leagues and teams, maybe it would go over better.

Cue a million comments from self-righteous blowhards who want to gloat over their more-feminist-than-you $5 gluten-free courthouse wedding, while pontificating about how anyone who doesn't get married in a Chuck E. Cheese on coupon night while wearing a potato sack as a dress is a regressive princess monster who will

You must be fun at parties.

One Thanksgiving, my teeth were just starting to come in. I was miserable and crying. My material grandmother, a lovely and tiny woman from Ireland, decided the best thing for me was to rub whiskey on my gums. Unfortunately, she didn't realize my paternal grandfather, an ex-Navy Italian from Queens, was doing the same

I've been a little obsessed with this current round of accusations, as I had my own brush with Cosby back in the early '80s. My job at the time put me in his sight line and he was, I can see in retrospect, "grooming" me for this type of encounter. I could very well have been one of these women, if I had ever believed

I know this might sound weird, but this story actually made me feel better about flying. Knowing that the plane remained safe and airworthy even after this event occurred shows just how robust these planes really are in the face of weird "black swan" events. And the fact that these events are so rare that Bombardier

You're right, it's a sensitive calculus. I do wonder how many people tried to talk to the Jane Does, but maybe a gazillion did and they didn't want to talk. That's their decision, and reporters have to respect that. But I also think a lot of stories could have been done from other angles but didn't happened because of

Man that class is always full so I ended up picking up Mumbled Retorts 212 during the add/drop period.

As a guy, I want to thank you for this article. I've never dealt with the kind of silencing and shaming that these women dealt with as a result of their decision to come forward. I probably never will. But having that process explained in all its particulars is enlightening and appalling. Reading about the lawyer who

Thank you, Diana. It's refreshing to be presented facts about this story without the editorial tone of "Bill Cosby is a motherf@$!ing rapist let's all go torch his house!"

This case sickens me to the core and I've followed it quite closely. The backlash against the victim and her family are appalling. I've phone-bombed and verbally shamed the RCMP responsible for treating her like garbage and not investigating her allegations. I wish more people would. As a Canadian none of this

Very irrelevent. She's fucking dead.

He has a CLEAN CONSCIENCE? Even if he wasjustified in assuming he was in danger, you don't have a clean conscience shooting someone that, in hindsight, you plainly shouldn't have. For fuck's sake, there are veterans of WWII who still cry at the thought that they shot a young German soldier, and their life really was

Well of course he would do it again. He just got away with it AND he's got a donation drive running that is already netting him about half a million dollars, plus his paid leave and any retirement.

That's a pretty sweet ticket, and all he had to do was kill one minority teenager.

This is well out of the realm of "Let this guy live" and well into the realm of "Sir, I asked you to leave," in my opinion.