
I mean, it could be both!  hoping it works while preparing for the worst.  

The extra weapons aside, is this not another emphasising point to the fact the Empire are far too complacent in their ability to crush everyone and everything in their path until the Rebellion fully erupts?

My favorite part of the scene was how it implies he improvised the countermeasures to fit the situation. The show makes a point to both have Luthen ask the onboad computer about the power level of the tractor beam and the Imperials call for upping the level when he does his first throttle. Like he baited them into

He didn’t say Jewish people control Hollywood, he said he could understand why some people might think that. “There’s also a lot of Black people in Ferguson, Missouri, but that don’t mean they run the place.”

The great thing about Andor is that you could change the setting to WW2 Europe, change Galactic Empire to the Nazis and the Rebels to the French Resistance and you’d still basically have the same story. The Star Wars stuff is just set dressing. In a way it’s a lot closer to what George Lucas did with the original Star

By far the most harrowing thing I’ve ever read. 

I mean I would say reading The Road is suffering

“Color books”, BTW, are physical paper books with calibrated color chips. They’re heavy - like a pound.

The real value of Pantone is they have standardized inks and color books. You can pick a color out of the book, use it in your design file, and know that the product printed halfway across the world will be identical. If you’re picking a Pantone out of the on-screen color picker, without the book, then you’re doing it

It’s no What Up With Dat, but it still gave me a chuckle just for that bit of goofy weirdness, and yes I like Tom Hanks too. 

I think its the right mix of goofy and “weird for the sake of weirdness”. Also surprisingly wholesome.  Its not the best thing ever but I thought the original was funny

Maybe not the hero they wanted... but the hero they deserved.

What a hero.

Type Ia Supernovas are the end of a star’s life, but not a regular star. The exploding star in a Type Ia is a white dwarf that’s part of a binary star system. The white dwarf “vampires” the mass from the other star, until the point where the mass is so great (approaching 1.44x the mass of the sun) that they collapse

Interesting. I found his outsider’s perspective refreshing, especially considering most other late night show hosts are American.

Fiat Multipla

A political refugee from the Timpani System. 

Dear god, I was getting some serious Arnold J. Rimmer vibes from that dude!

You know you’re also spending a lot to simply haul fuel, right?