
Will there be Seawoks? 


Batman and Robin actually filmed those scenes on flat ground with the camera rotated 90 degrees, so no, that won't work.

Have any of the above stuffed a GM press car into a barrier? 

I mean, Madison Bumgarner basically won an entire World Series by himself.

Agree. At this point, is there any question that Madison Bumgarner is more “the greatest pitcher” of his generation than Kershaw? We sure as hell don’t talk about 2001 Seattle Mariners as the greatest team of all time.

The blame doesn’t fall solely or even mostly on Kershaw. This is on Dave Roberts, guilty of perhaps managing with his heart instead of his head

When Alpha showed up she seriously looked like a wild animal waking up from a nap.

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Weren’t you just trying to buy a right-hand drive Cressida full of bees?

I came of age in the 90's, in California, in a surf town. I can’t not say dude. Everyone is a dude. Cars are dudes, that tree over there is a dude, that cute little puppy is a dude. 

Back to back Cy Young’s doesn’t do it for you?

Palpatine - “I’m not dead yet!”

You must now cut down the mightiest tree on Endor.... wiiiiiiith... A WOMPRAT!

Their defense is the real reason why they won.

Ah, the fake kneel. That’s the move elderly or overweight Catholics do at church where they just scoot their ass a little closer to the edge of the pew so they don’t have to struggle to get back up.

They should, it would be awesome*. Telsa should take a page from Porsche’s playbook and have some lower production, high margin cars, I’d think it would help their profitability. I just configured a Model S performance, and only could find about $8K (holding aside the $6K full autonomous) of options on a 99K base

I think when an entire population hulks out, it is no longer considered incredible. Credible Hulks.

So you’re saying that we’d just turn the surrounding areas into entire populations of Incredible Hulks?