
That’s Polyus. It was a military space station, built around the same basic FGB design as the Zarya module of the ISS. (That design was itself originally intended for a large resupply module for the military Almaz stations, but that’s another story. The design also shows up in several of Mir’s modules, and in the

For everyone butthurt by Hundley saying something to Puig...did any of you play sports? A HUGE part of sports is mental. Hell, teams and individual players in pro sports pay huge salaries to sports psychologists to get their heads right and know how to get into the heads of their opponents. Catchers have talked to

But he is showing someone up: the pitcher. With that reaction, he’s telling everyone watching “that pitch was really bad and deserved to be drilled,” and pitchers and catchers tend to take exception to that. He pulled the same move several times the night before, too, trying to get in Bumgarner’s head.

Or, you know, Puig could not flip out when an opponent makes some little comment to him. I think Hundley poking at an clearly frustrated opponent to get him even farther off his game is pretty standard in most sports. Puig is the one with no self control and elevated it to more than just some harmless shit talking.

I think the Giants have gotten into Puig’s head big time. Puig will likely miss a few games due to suspension. Hundley likely won’t. I have no issue with Puig verbally sticking up for himself. But when he got physical, he cost his team. Puig has shown a great amount of growth as a player the last few years. But if

X37b, first flew 12 years ago...

Grimes is 30.

As a lifelong Dodgers fan that is the only Giants related thing I ever liked besides Willie McCovey! It also helped that I spent half of 1984 stoned to the bejeezus, but still.

And a lot of the problems on DS9 stem from it being a military-industrial deathtrap built by darwinist space nazis. Apart from the Jeffries Tubes, Federation ships are pretty accessible.

Worse than gauche - it looks like Pep Boys stick-on letters that are so popular in certain neighborhoods.

ADHD da Vinci

One problem with this take. After he started publicly musing over ideas, he actually did start talking to the dive rescue team privately on email. The “sub” concept was developed with input from the rescue divers and they continued to press Musk to design and deliver the sub, as shown in a series of emails posted to

no shit! Cops show up - white dude explains.

This is in Vegas in July. The whole place is a desert and it’s hotter than the surface of the sun outside. Cargo shorts are shameful in general, that’s the appropriate take.

I’ll give you a Klu.

I stopped using Amazon once they opened up the “Marketplace.” Every time I go to their web site now, there are so many different sellers with random prices and spotty reputations that it feels like shopping on the internet in the 90s.

I am glad I am not the only one.  I live in a rural area and Amazon Prime has been a godsend.  But in the last year it has become an overwhelming swamp of cheap Chinese crap.  I mean, it can be good to have a million super-cheap options, but so many of the Chinese brands counterfeit each other and post the same random

Hilarious and brilliant!  But no RICE?

How is this so hard to understand?