
Also, by the time SLS actually flies, SpaceX will be onto the BFR, so what is this comparison actually showing?

I have. That little slit in the S still gives it a grill of sorts. I actually really like the look of it. The 3 has no opening at all.

Agreed. i saw my first one in person this morning on my commute. My first thought was “is that an S, the front looks weird” Then, I realized it was a 3 and the lack of any opening up front was what was throwing me off. It really does look like a 3/4 scale S.

And Giants @ Padres. Petco is often referred to as “AT&T South” among Giants fans.

Neanderthals didn’t sprint at 30 mph. If anything, a larger body mass likely slowed their top speed. There is a reason sprinters and marathoners don’t look like shot putters.

All the traits you describe apply to virtually any complex living organism.

Does something that happens once every 20 years or so really need to be fixed?

I haven’t looked specifically, but I would guess that the answer is yes, if only for the reason that most batters go into protect mode with two strikes and look to fight off borderline pitches they would normally take in order to prevent possibly striking out looking and in hopes of surviving to see another pitch that

Belt would have walked for sure then. If you look at the chart of pitch locations for the AB, one of the amazing things about it is that Belt only swung at 1 pitch that was not close to the zone. He has a really good eye.

So, is it safe to unblacklist the Gizmodo sites, or are those obnoxious ads going to still pop up everywhere?

Riccardo was awesome today. Just a virtuoso performance. His teammate, on the other hand, is a good candidate for a code red from the other drivers. Got excited at an opportunity and proceeded to make an ass of himself and create danger for everyone else on the track.

I’d probably chicken out at the last minute and order a Red one, but I’ve always had a deep affection for navy blue Ferraris. The darker blue, the better.

The non-QF models start there. More realistically, after having perused the dealer inventory, mid-50s or a bit higher with common options.

She should have killed him immediately, yes, but I can buy a plot point that she intends to use him to buy access to Hilltop and Rick’s group, if that is how the show ends up going with it.

Based on his books and twitter presence, I get a Woody Guthrie type vibe from him.

That’s why the brakes are also routinely right on the edge of catching fire.

You haven’t seen Coming to America? You’re goddamn right you need to see that movie. Personally, it’s that or Friday for best black comedy movies, and I don’t know why people don’t remember it as much when they’re making those lists. I guess Coming to America transcends race. I’ve loved that movie since I was seven,

Part of it is weight and strength, as other have noted, but in watching last night, I also saw a difference in how they started their runs.

Whole lotta trademark experts chiming in on this story... who knew so many of them read this site?

“Perjury traps” only exist because the people testifying have something to hide and are trying to find a way to avoid revealing the truth without actually crossing the line into actual lying. Threading the needle like that is incredibly difficult/almost impossible.