Make sure to reach out to your insurer. Most health insurance policies have a network of covered mental health providers and your co-pay will likely be much more manageable than paying the out of pocket cost.
Make sure to reach out to your insurer. Most health insurance policies have a network of covered mental health providers and your co-pay will likely be much more manageable than paying the out of pocket cost.
Amen! Preach it!
Ooooh! Please link to video! I really want to see this!
I’d also be fine with releasing, like, 4 episodes per month for 3-4 months. That allows you some binging but also spaces it out.
I think the point of this desk is that it can adjust from a standing to sitting position, and vice you’re not standing for the entire work day.
I think the point of this desk is that it can adjust from a standing to sitting position, and vice you’re…
Obligatory theme song for your new series, Patrick...
Shit, what the hell am I doing reading Lifehacker?...The time is now, bitches!
Well said! I especially liked what you said about the internal locus of control:
You are most welcome!
Don’t worry, I tend to do this too...I also feel embarrassed, but I think the aim of sharing is to get others to understand where we’re coming from...if that person eventually ‘gets it,’ then it benefits them too, and the relationship becomes stronger.
Sounds very illuminating; thanks for the recommendation! I really wish there was a Kindle version, though...
A difficult concept for me to really internalize...but it’ll take time, like a growing fig, so I won’t beat myself up about it (too much). :-D
You’re welcome! Thanks for the conversation, and stay well!
I dig you back! (Okay, that sounded better in my head...)
Hoo boy...another one of those things I need to work on.
As a recovering perfectionist, I think this can apply to me in a slightly different way... “It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already SHOULD know.”
Hey! That’s MY shitty country, fuckwad!
Welcome to Mid-Week Meditations, Lifehacker’s weekly dip into the pool of stoic wisdom [...]
Expect a kick in the ass in the mail.