
I love my Moto X Pure, and the rap is cute.

Others have mentioned that it’s not just Nikon, but the entire digital camera market has stalled. Just because things are rough, doesn’t mean they can do something kitschy for their 100th’s their 100th anniversary, for Pete’s sake!

Thank you for the info and encouragement! I don’t live in the US or Canada, so an online programme might be cheaper and more convenient for me.

Thank you so much! I never knew about these MicroMasters... I’ll definitely look into it!

I’m mostly doing administrative stuff...paper-pushing, really. I don’t even get to fix much.

Dearest Paddy,

Well said.

Hey, Shep! Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do... I’m still enjoying the heck out of my Kindle Paperwhite, which I bought on sale at a fantastic price due a few years ago due to your post. :-)

Hey, Shep! Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do... I’m still enjoying the heck out of my Kindle


When I went to Barbados a couple years ago, my flight arrived at just after 8:00 in the morning, and check-in wasn’t until 2:00 p.m., LOL!

Jackson Hole, Wyoming lies on the path of totality for the Total Solar Eclispe in August this year.

Why are you trying to break my damn heart, you fool?!

Well, damn. o_O

Bless your soul for sharing this, sweetheart. Now I can fully cross over to the dark side of McMansion hate...I can feel it flowing through me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

It’s not sad, it’s resting bitch face.

Oooh...this is something to think about...

Nice! Thanks for the heads up!

Ituitively I do this, but you’ve elequently stated everything in black and white. Thanks!

Ah! This post on the Kindle textbook sale insprired me to start Duolingo! My plan is to refresh my Spanish enough so that I can make better use of the Spanish textbooks I never got rid of, LOL!

Ah! This post on the Kindle textbook sale insprired me to start Duolingo! My plan is to refresh my Spanish enough so