
The clinic I went to (in my little third-world corner of the planet) almost refused to give me the Copper-T because I never had children.

I just hope his status as an industry leader does not make him the default choice for a Stan Lee collaboration or any influential film.

Right back at YA! :-D

I honestly don’t follow Bollywood gossip too much, but if the allegations are true, that would be very sad...I try my best in general to separate the ‘artiste’ from the person. (e.g. Orson Scott Card).

You haz a good mama. ;-D

Works perfectly on my Moto X Pure...but the only thing relevant to me is the battery percentage...I’m fine with my Status Bar and Quick Settings icons, and I’m not running the Android N preview, so I can’t access the Night Mode settings (which is the only other thing that really interests me).


I agree with you there - he would be even more attractive (to me) if he cut down on the bulk a bit.

But he’s so dreamy...*sigh*

Hrithik Roshan of GTFO!

God, I love Keith Morrison's voice...

I LOVE this! May I steal, please? :-D

You hit it out of the park. :-D it?

Damn straight.

I could be projecting, but you kinda sound like me - it’s easier to learn something new if there’s a specific project to work on. Perhaps there’s a particular problem you can try to solve?

Ding ding ding! Definitely sounds like Immigrant Song, but that's not a bad thing!

Thirded, fourthed, and fifthed on Corelle! That shit lasts years and years of abuse and still look good... The only thing that might kill them is a nuclear apocalypse. I got a plain white set of plates and bowls and they look classy as fuck.

What if my medicine cabinet is in a half bath? I.e. There's only a toilet and a sink.

My friend and I are planning a trip from the Caribbean to view it! Save us a space, will ya?