
Oh jeez, I’ve tried the antihistamine route...and I just. Couldn’t. Fall. Asleep. So I gave up on it. I just try to keep as busy as possible.

I think I’m drugged up enough as it is. :-/

I did this for my last couple of trips! I make sure to have:

This post is a good reminder for me... I always get overwhelmed by focusing on the ‘big picture' too much... Need to put my energy towards that daily inch!

No probs! :-)

Check the FAQ...the headers are frozen, but it doesn’t work in Google docs. Save the file to your desktop and open in Excel - it will work there.

You can edit the comment box to make it bigger...

High five for #gurlproblems! LOL!

I’ve never smoked weed, but that’s a great example... I think I have a better inkling now!

Oh, I don’t mind your long reply... I tend to ramble a lot, myself!

I hope you don’t mind if I ask this...but can you describe what depersonalization disorder is/was like for you?

But not everyone is lucky to have the same attitude as you.... You mention it yourself in your first paragraph.

Oooh! Maybe I can modify this to make DIY vanity lighting for my room...

I’m still waiting for animated GIF support... :-(

I was reading your post and all the time I was thinking...

Dayum! That’s a mighty fine photo, Patrick!

[...] our newly-forming abilities haven’t had time to catch up with our superior taste.

I’m agnositc, but I approve this mother has a book of daily devotionals for both morning and evening. :-)

I’ve been doing a variation of this ever since one of my managers told me that he’s “not sure what I do everyday.”
