
Hey Shep...the link doesn’t seem to work for me...when I click it, I’m only getting a page with personal recommendations...*shrugs*

Hey Shep...the link doesn’t seem to work for me...when I click it, I’m only getting a page with personal

In real, adult life people are much more forgiving of minor mistakes.

Get out of my head, Eric. ;-)

This was a wonderful article, Melanie! I’ve struggled with being too empathetic (I think it played a big part in my depression/anxiety especially when I was younger), so this post is very helpful. Thank you!

But don’t worry, you’re not watching CSI: Cyber —we still get our meatspace machine gun battles.

Don’t get hoodwinked by BIG SKETCH.

Let each parent keep their own last name. Then when children are born, boys get the father’s last and and girls get the mother’s last name.

Pretty cool!

I didn’t know that...which would explain a lot, actually. Thanks for that tidbit!

I was a Seven Days fanatic! They have a bunch of episodes on YouTube...and I think it holds up surprisingly well.

Yes! Preach it, brother!

We, in the ex-British colonies of the Caribbean, say that too. :-)

Oh, soon as I saw the title of the post, I knew what you were talking about. :-D

Effin’ brilliant, Eric!

Oooh! This is kewl! The pickings are slim, but I’ll keep looking out for new additions to scratch that artistic itch. :-)

[...] unless you’re a power user (running demanding virtual machines, for example, or doing video editing)

Just to scroll through webpages or to close or move windows, there are a lot of minor gestures that I don’t even think about until I’m faced with a traditional display—when I foolishly reach out to the screen and stop short before smudging the passive glass.

Men wear pretty much the same thing as always: long-sleeve shirts, pants, socks and closed-toe shoes.

You need to get used to hearing that your work isn’t perfect and you’re not the next Octavia Butler.