
This was a great review, Patrick! I think I'm going to buy this looks similar to a blog post I read recently (it may have been linked in a Lifehacker article:…).

Um, shouldn't that be..."Watch This Amazing Squirrel Play the Nutcracker on a Piccolo"?

That's a damn good question.

I'm partial to Figure 2.:

I had a plantar wart on the heel of my foot cauterized when I was a teen.

[...] the dad from Alias [...]

This comment made my day.

I've also started doing tangram puzzles:

I'm not religious, but I like your perspective. :-)

Perhaps you can try origami? It's cheap, doesn't take up much space, and you can either follow existing patterns or try to develop your own.

We should start a club, LOL!

This is fascinating and amazing. I never would of thought of this being the consequence of a more accurate atomic clock.

Haha! It's unfortunate there aren't any pictures. But I think the memory of it is safe with you. :-)

This song is pure sex.

Please tell me you took a photo...

Wow! That's really nice! Good for you!

Exactly. All they had to do was scrunch up his forehead and eyebrows a little.

You know, I don't even play Pokémon, but I found this really fascinating!

Aaaaahhhhh!!!! The ending! Awesome!