Marcus Vitchell

I liked him best in Fearless, but it took multiple viewings.

Lorne Micheals has talked about the Eddie Murphy jab a couple of times. David Spade made a joke on the Hollywood Minute segment about Eddie's box office duds, and it hurt Murphy's feelings.

Billy Corgan is going to be pissed that he didn't think of it first.

That's the only thing I can think of to rationalize the general clusterfuck of s3…that after wiping brody off the board, we are left with a largely discredited CIA with a cynical public as the start of the next 'new' run. No way does anything Carrie say hold any real public weight, saul is too company man to blab, and

I didn't see this coming.

Music video AND discussing the situation! 3 minutes in this week and Im hatewatching. Sadness.

no montage…just 5 minutes of Charlie and his lilly white shoes walking through not smoldering,not wet wreckage to music.

Oh boy, another action packed music video followed up by lots of discussing situations.