Marcus Snowden

I thought that the Sasha/Becky match was pretty good. The crowd was pretty into it and Banks and Lynch were really beating each other up. That finish, while necessary, was pretty bad, though.

Because Dean Ambrose is a babyface that people actually cares about, unlike Roman Reigns.

Is it a great episode of television? No. But I did like what I saw for the moat part. Farrell and McAdams (especially the former) are fantastic, and I cannot wait to see what they will do this season. I also really dug the noir feel to the show. It makes me feel like I was in the Maltese Falcon. Oh, and someone who

I loved it. The three phone calls with Betty, Sally and Peggy were heartbreaking.

The Flip Wilson Show.

I know, right?! I thought he was gonna die.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Yet another amazing episode. This was a great penultimate episode that really built toward the end. Betty getting sick is pretty tragic. However, at least Weiner is letting her die with her head held high.

Yes, I do. I'm saying, though, that both songs are about the same guy.

I know that this is off-topic, but every time I think about Major Tom, I think about Gale Boetticher's hilarious cover.

You just said it all, my friend.

That would be one of the worst lead dramatic performances in TV history.

I don't know if I could've taken that. Joan would've gained nothing if she fought those basterds in court. It would've hurt to see Joan lose even more than she has already lost.

Which beginning?

Another amazing episode. After a pedestrian two episodes, these last three have been fantastic. Christina Hendricks (Happy birthday, by the way!) needs to submit this episode for the Emmys. She can, in all honesty, break the Mad Men acting Emmy curse. She was amazing in this episode.

If this site gave episodes A+ grades, then this episode would've been an A+ episode.

The best episode of the season, by far. Amazing episode. So many things happened. The beginning of the end is here. Also, Elisabeth Moss might've just won an Emmy last night. She was devastating.

I loved this episode. It really set up the beginning of the end. Also, I love how the episode brought to light storylines from seasons past.