I really appreciate your extremely well stated reasons for opposition to this project.
You've brought a lot if clarity with regard to the talking points of Censorship and White supremacy.
I really appreciate your extremely well stated reasons for opposition to this project.
You've brought a lot if clarity with regard to the talking points of Censorship and White supremacy.
I'm not offended.
I'm critical.
There's a difference.
Most writers rooms (where they come up with character motivations and plot) are dealing in pure fiction. They idea is to put together an intriguing and plausible narrative. In the case of historical fiction, the motivations are often known as a matter of historical record. When one creates alt-history, you have to…
That is not my argument at all.
My position is that the enslaved people of the antebellum South are Far from simps and cowards.
No assumptions on my part :)
HBO issued a press release outlining the plot. That's what most people are responding to. Artists in America absolutely have a right to express themselves however they wish. They should do so responsibly. The premise is irresponsible.
Yeah, there's silly fiction
And there's groundbreaking fiction. It sounds like filling a story full of counterintuitive characters for the sake of advancing an edgy premise is silly fiction.
We are not talking about slavery in it's many forms through out human history.
Here's the thing…
in order for the alt-history of Confederate to have taken place, many Black people who were instrumental in their own liberation, from Tubman to King (yes I include King as an emancipator) would have had to fail or never been born.
Black people in general would have to be portrayed as complacent,…