
In the real world, that may be true, but as stated above: in superhero comics, usually The Right Thing is rejecting a false choice and doing everything in their power to save everyone (implausible, but satisfying if executed correctly).

Say what you will about Live Free or Die Hard, but it's a goddamn masterpiece by comparison to its puerile sequel (A Good Day to Die Hard). Willis and Courtney's father/son duo was a black hole of charisma from which nothing could escape unscathed.

The most frustrating thing about that trope is the fact that the family member, friend, or loved one who's held hostage in that scenario inevitably advises the hero against acting selfishly (not to mention foolishly)… Which doesn't stop them from doing so anyway.

"Well first, superheroes shouldn't murder people, no."

There's no other choice… Except, you know, defeating him in a fight. But I abhor acts of violence, even against a maniac threatening to kill untold billions. Off to the races!

-Apparently not even Barry qualifies for a toilet when he's locked in the pipeline. They really need to have a plumber come in one of these days.

EURON: I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for Yara and her meddling eunuch.

Next week Euron's massive fleet will be halfway across the Narrow Sea. Not to be outdone, Littlefinger will be plotting some mischief halfway across the world in Asshai.

Couldn't they ship those who were too weak or frail to fight over to warmer regions further South (Highgarden, Oldtown, Dorne) or across the sea (Meereen, The Summer Isles) until Winter passed? It would be a logistical nightmare, but it would probably save countless lives during the protracted conflict against the

The White Walkers' seasonal migration typically coincides with their mating season.

We'll be treated to 50 pages of Wylis (Hodor) eating fried eggs and various egg-based foods, all described in excruciating detail, before Wylis finally wanders out into the courtyard and Bran wargs into him.

I'd say we're almost guaranteed to see Jorah again. There's no way they'd foreshadow his return that much without following up on it. Whether or not his quest will eat up much, if any, screen time is another question entirely. It would be interesting to see him travel to Asshai-by-the-Shadow, however.

There are still Lady Stoneheart truthers out there? I can't imagine they'd bring Catelyn back into the story this late in the game without some kind of foreshadowing.

By the time they finish work on Euron's massive fleet, the war will be long over.

Thanks for sharing your story, tops blooby.

I viewed the High Sparrow's "it was all part of a story" moment as the conclusion of a soliloquy or dramatic aside directed towards the audience, reinforcing the fact that we, as viewers, are watching a story unfold onscreen (in a metanarrative sense)*. The slow zoom in, paired with Jonathan Pryce's steady eye contact

I found both equally annoying. Every single one of them was a complete stereotype: Gen-Xers decrying millenials as a bunch of lazy bums and millenials criticizing Gen-Xers' conservative perspective. Then again, it wouldn't be a new season of Survivor without a contrived gimmick, doomed to fall apart as soon as

I believe Cisco claimed that Earth-2 vibrated at a more unstable frequency. But I absolutely agree, Cisco and Harry's fun banter continues to be one of this show's secret weapons.

I'm pretty sure the bright streaks of speed force energy would give them away.

*Old geezer laugh* That was a real knee-slapper, PantsGoblin.