
I agree that the "May I sit?" exchange was frustrating, but I think
it's because no one really wants to watch Tommen be mild and vulnerable
in a negotiation. The conflict between Lannisters and the High Sparrow
has already been established, and we're really just waiting for Jaime
and Robert Strong to start kicking

It didn't help that it kept cutting to another camera angle as soon as they did make eye contact with the front camera.

What are you talking about? That was some solid character development! *rimshot*

The Time Masters had already sentenced Rip to death by then. Murdering his family in cold blood was merely adding insult to injury at that point.

I wasn't expecting them to reveal that he roofied himself, but Jax could have literally showed up at his past self's house and talked him into joining the mission. How could you say no if your future self told you that you needed to go save the world? This show's rules about time paradoxes are all over the place, and

Except for the fact that their deaths didn't affect Savage's/The Time Masters' master plan in the slightest. If anything, it only serves to further fuel Rip's desire for revenge, which is the exact opposite of what the Time Masters should be trying to do if they want to keep Savage around.

At the very least we know that Miller will reprise his role as Snart (presumably Earth-2 Snart) in a guest star capacity. Not ideal, but I'll take what I can get.

Don't forget that over-emphasized k sound at the end. Snart, we're gonna miss ya buddy… *wipes away stray tear*

[Two Legends of Tomorrow writers are spit-balling ideas for the show in a café]

…before being gunned down in the street by Vandal's death squads on their way home from work.

If the foreshadowing in this episode is any indication, the Hawks aren't going anywhere. In fact, they may become even more important. A quick search reveals that the Thanagarians Vandal mentioned are hawkpeople.

-The Time Masters had lots of potential as villains on paper, playing the long game in the name of a greater good that no mere mortal with a finite life span could possibly understand. Unfortunately, they largely come across as bunglers here. Why didn't they have guards posted aboard the Waverider and in the cargo

*Hurls chair through window*

Terrible Theory Corner

The reviewer hit the nail right on the head with this one, everyone in the crew was acting like an idiot:

What made the whole scene even more ridiculous was the fact that Sarah was manually plotting a course through the time vortex as though they were sailing a caravel, complete with maps and the use of "degrees" to orient themselves (e.g. 10 degrees right). What good is a goddamn paper map when piloting a spacecraft

Hey, he read the manual! Car, spaceship, what's the difference?

Because that worked so well in the gulag episode, right? Who am I kidding, that episode was gold compared to this.

Hey, Carter was part of the team for one whole day, alright? Respect where respect is due.

By Jason's own confession, in his line of work (as a bounty hunter), he has to get mothers to rat on their kids. That type of fast-talking/quick thinking is definitely an applicable skillset on Survivor, and during his time on the show, Jason proved himself to be an extremely capable player during a number of tribal