
That's easier said than done when any casual conversation can result in a complete meltdown. Speaking with her is like walking through a minefield: if you don't watch your step (and sometimes, even if you do) you wind up dead.

Jeremy was so lucky no one caught him in the act of grabbing the idol. Had anyone seen him kneeling behind the box, the jig would have been up. I'm pretty sure someone on his tribe saw him standing back up after he'd pocketed it, but they didn't pick up on what he was doing.

Maybe they were afraid that by including Barry's biological dad as a semi-regular character they would throw off/diminish the father-son bond between Barry and Joe? Whatever their reasons, Henry's excuse (or lack thereof) felt like a huge cop-out.

I agree. I don't mind if the central mystery is never resolved (i.e. why did 2% of the world's population suddenly vanish), but I don't think it's asking too much to have some of the smaller mysteries surrounding the town and its citizens be resolved. If season 1 is any indication though, we'll probably still be in

I'm pretty sure they never established where the cricket was.

It's gonna be smooth sailing from here on out!

That yacht's bigger on the inside.

I agree, the amount of bullets that were ricocheting off the chain link fence was bordering on the comical. Make every shot count!

I thought that long panning shot over the ocean was going to reveal that a nearby island (i.e. a possible refuge for the group) was populated by zombies. It would have been stupid as hell, but I wouldn't put anything past FTWD at this point.

You'd think Daniel would have given his plan to unleash the zombie horde a little more thought. For instance, what if the military was quickly overrun and they shambled into the hospital? What if their escape route was cut off?

"This has to be the worst zombie show on TV other than Z Nation."

For now… But I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they bring him back (unfortunately).

The whole time Abbie was giving her spiel about being a Witness and fighting demons, all I was thinking was "those hostages must think she sounds like a crazy person, I hope they omit that from their witness statements."

I thought that was goofy as hell, but they somehow made it work.

I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. The chemistry between Ichabod and Abbie was as good as always, and for the most part it managed to distance itself from the events of season 2. Paring down the cast to the core Sleepy Hollow crew also seemed like a wise decision (though I'm sure we'll see this change in the coming

"Abi has a dangerous combination of complete vindictiveness and no guile."

Sam Worthington has his moments (he put in a solid performance in Avatar), but he was abysmal in the Titans movies. Stapleton is easily on par with that low water mark.

I wouldn't have minded if the character was less talkative, but there are moments where other characters' dialogue (Kaz and Ocelot, for the most part) seem to be directly prompting Snake to say something and he remains inexplicably silent. A terse reply here or there wouldn't have gone amiss. Whether this was purely

Once DD crept a little too close to me during a landmine disarmament mission and took the brunt of the blast when one of the mines went off. It was genuinely heartbreaking to see D-Dog trying to climb to his feet, bloodied and whimpering, wagging his tail the whole time.

Code Talker's tapes also take a human lifetime to get through. He discusses the evolution of the v.c.p.s since the Cambrian Era in excruciating detail. Why devote so many audio logs to one of the silliest aspects of the game's plot?