
"The Hamburgers of Kazuhira Miller" tapes were easily one of the funniest things in the game (and we're talking about a game where you capture enemy soldiers using balloons).

It's also possible (though extremely difficult) to tranq the fully armored guards with a headshot if you're able to get a tranq dart through the helmet's eyeslit (only managed this once, though).

You need to extract an electrospinning specialist in order to develop DD's gear.

It's fantastic. Quiet's able to take down choppers and tanks with only a few shots. Just be sure to swap back to tranq afterwards if you don't want a bloodbath.

What was that instrument he was playing that looked like a cross between a flute and a keyboard?

Not to discount your interpretation (for the most part, I agree with it), but how could the awakened Engineer possibly ascertain at a glance that Weyland had unnaturally prolonged his life and that David was synthetic?

I agree. The seamless transition from the full moon to the blood drops falling on the snow was incredible. This show truly is a feast for the eyes.

Yeah, it was a little much, especially considering how little we're invested in Ani and Elvis' past relationship (or current relationship, for that matter).


I appreciate that they tried to explain the reasoning behind the town's code of secrecy (the loss of group A), but I still don't buy it. Surely they could keep the population in line without resorting to public executions?* How did they expect people to behave after being placed in an artificial environment. Humans

*gnawing on a human drumstick*

So does Netflix, apparently. Here in Canada we can view both seasons of the show that have currently aired.

I got a flashlight, what gives?

Glad I wasn't the only one that thought "abbies" sounded innocuous (not to mention dumb).

With or without a parental cull in play, how can the parents be expected to raise their kids in the meantime if they themselves don't know the full picture. Of all the horrible truths to keep buried deep inside, the collapse of human civilization would take a terrible toll on the kids. What's the harm in letting the

Yes, but the latter of the two is only a factor because the community itself is complicit in the murders. The community fears itself because it metes out brutal justice dictated by an unseen leader (presumably Pilcher) that communicates with them by phone. It's absolutely bonkers. If everyone ignored this bizarre

"It looks like it's from ancient Roman times."

The future of human civilization, ladies and gentlemen!

But wouldn't removing Ethan and his family from cryo at the same time have put him at ease immediately, thus sparing them the trouble of his "freakout phase?" Or, you know, they could have done the sensible thing and just told everyone the truth about Wayward Pines?

Not to mention the fact that they feel the need to spy on their residents 24-7 via cameras and concealed mikes. I agree with your assessment, there's absolutely no reason for all the secrecy and paranoia if the community's stated goal is to preserve the (alleged) final vestiges of humanity.