
Paying $250 a ticket to sit in a shit stadium and watch the shit Rams and shit Seahawks shir all over the field while you die of dehydration because you can’t get water, or sit in the comfort of your own home and watch on TV, spending that $250 on Sunday Ticket if you’re out of market.

the kinjiest of kinjas

Edgy bro

An angry Baylor fan went up to confront MOB members after the performance. Rice students calmed the situation and walked him to concourse

came to the comments for multiple panoramic shots of the Albany skyline and was not disappointed

Thanks, now I’m hungry.

It makes it sound like an illness... like someone caught a bad case of the 9/11

I’d be shocked if a lot of people got the “fat man” and “little boy” references.

Also, not everyone who visits the site of the Twin Towers or the the Pentagon Memorial or the Shanksville Memorial gets to be dismissed as a “tourist.” People who do not live in New York City are allowed to mourn and pay their respects.

That’s not real.

Haha, Thanks. I can see why people find it’s not to scale.

Yeah, I’m not sure what the former-military members have to do with anything, and the “some relatives have passed away due to 9/11" sounds vague enough to mean anything (I assume it means that someone had a brother/sister that was KIA in Iraq or Afghanistan).

It's all a big misunderstanding, someone hacked their Facebook account!

and generally avoiding the visitors constantly flocking to the 9/11 Memorial as if it’s a tourist attraction.

We are very sorry we have offended you....Our staff is full of military...