Butts Carlton

I like this new Mojo, it's much easier to take him seriously. I was never as down on his character as a lot of the IWC was but there was definitely a ceiling to that character. Same thing happened with No Way Jose before they gave him some grit (despite him being more enjoyable), those type of characters need layers

I'm loving that Ziggler didn't have a complete shift in character (even though his frustration is understandable) and start doing run of the mill heel stuff. This new sort of tweener direction that he's heading in is far more intriguing and also opens him up for feuds with basically any male competitor on the roster

I think it was a good showcase for Corbin but I see what you mean. I'm also gonna need Cena to stop that "CAN'T….LIFT….HIM….UP!!" bullshit because we all saw him do a double AA to fuckin Big Show and Edge.

Seeing Ziggler finally snap actually got me to stand up and cheer. Not only is it a completely rational character progression after a string of hard fought, high profile losses but Ziggler sold being fed up PERFECTLY. I mean dude legit headbutted Apollo lol. I can't wait to see what this colossal chip on his shoulder

I agree with your statement about Dean's counter game but his inconsistent selling always irks the hell out of me

At least you admit it lol


That's one of the numerous things that Smackdown Live is doing so much better than RAW. Despite having a smaller roster, their midcard title actually means something and actually elevates the profile of the superstar that holds it.

Eh I guess I never really put a whole lot of stock into the way that wrestler's held the belt. Hell I LOVED the way The Rock walked around with the belt lol. What always mattered more to me is how they defended it.

I feel you. Though what I will say is that Roman at least makes the effort to look like he's just been through hell. I've very rarely seen Roman come out of a big match looking chipper like Cena had a terrible habit of doing for years.

Funny thing is, that'd probably be a killer match

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Roman Reigns should've always been the Achilles of professional wrestling. Alpha Male gladiator who commands respect wherever he goes, owns his accolades with pride and is never afraid to fight to prove himself. Dude was never gonna be relatable from a character standpoint

I'm not gonna lie, I dig the way that Roman holds the US Title. It's distinctive and it figuratively depicts him "carrying it on his back". With that being said though…WWE is still doing a pretty shitty job handling him.

Good lord you're chipper

I don't really blame people for being frustrated with the pacing and bloated run times of the few episodes of S2, but they never really bothered me because they filled those episodes either exploration of the "new world" and the backlash that F Society's actions had on it and themselves. Also I appreciate the way that

Disclaimer: Shows with Season specifications are shows that run year round with a summer break in between so I have to make the distinction for the sake of clarity.

Honestly, and I acknowledge that I'm in the minority, I favored Season 2 over Season 1. Season 1 was definitely more focused and serialized but Season 2 was more daring and intriguing to me. The direction & cinematography were more enticing, the themes were darker and the cast as a whole were given more opportunities

Really guys, we're still making Tater Tots and Daffy Duck jokes?

Hey when it comes to pure work rate, Seth and Roman work really well together whether it's on the same side or against each other

*shrug* same way people are HUGE fans of other shows on television.