Marcus Broome
marcusbroome turns out these fish are rarely a match for the orca whales.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

Nothing worse than seeing a former teammate, leader, and inspiration leaving a trail of tears as he walks out the door, one Blackfoot following the other.

I remember talking to my co-workers and discussing that I might be interested in YouTube Red, because I watch enough Youtube that an ad-free experience might be worth the money. Pretty much got told by a half-dozen people that I was dumb for not using adblocker.

I mean, I get it. I have adblocker. But I also want to

Sez definitely has the legal issues thing down but I’d like to see him up his cocaine use to Playmaker levels before we go ahead and deem him worthy of wearing 88 for the Cowboys. Maybe nail some hookers at the White House. You know, old school stuff.

His rage was only contained by the inability to find a pile of guns to throw him on. He has a very specific style.

“You just hope he adds some meat on his frame if he wants to go pro. Maybe he gets some heft from his mother, probably one of those video gals we got down here in Atlanta. What? What did I say now?”

The Taylor Swift quote is going to get more play, but “He threw some good body shots, but core game on 100; I do sit-ups” is the best quote of the interview.

I was at a bar not-watching this, but that was the exact moment I put down my phone and paid attention.

“ I’m not saying I’m the Taylor Swift of boxing, but I’m not not saying I’m the Taylor Swift of boxing”