
Are the controls similar to The Witcher 3 in that regard? The Witcher 3 controls on PS4 were pretty slow/fudgy where they chose animation over “snappy” controls. Tried it on PC a few weeks ago, felt faster there but still something I hope future games don’t replicate as much. Really enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawns controls!

Terrace House is my favourite show! The best part is getting to see their culture and how they interact with each other. Sometimes they have a reaction to something that is completely the other way for how a westerner would react and which just makes it that much more interesting.

What? Where are you from then? In all of Scandinavian countries cold is the only way to eat cereal.

Feels too soon to go back for me, played Dark Souls in 2014 for the first time and could never beat Ornstein and Smough (I regret not trying more though). Might get it on Switch, could be fun to play on handheld.

I quite enjoyed Nikka Whiskey

I would assume that it would be harder to find someone in the US like that, but in Europe it would be quite easy. I’ve never seen anyone cut at all, I’ve never even seen a jewish person (though in the US, you don’t have to be for some reason? Trend thing haha?).

I love how everyone has their own mortal enemy. Diablos was pretty easy for me, but Anjanath and Odogaron (and Nerigigante) took me a while to kill. Anjanath mostly in the start of the game, odogaron kept moving so he was impossible to kill with a slow weapon..

I lived in Japan for 3 months and didn’t know anyone. I forced myself to go to a bunch of events through Meetup, but still felt pretty lonely at times. I remember spending hours early in the morning just doing things in slo motion so I didn’t have to go out.. even though I was in Tokyo, my favorite city in the world.

Some parents annoyed with their kids gaming probably threw it out.. Or a psycho girlfriend

“Pathfinder: Kingmaker has an existing schedule, an existing scope, and an existing budget, and that budget will allow us to achieve that scope on schedule. We already have a full team of people working on it, and we’re committed to doing it regardless of what happens with this Kickstarter.”

“[...]So why are we asking

omg...why haven’t I thought about the self-checkout before now. So many awkward situations could have been averted...AND I could have saved money, instead of buying a bunch of random stuff to hide what I really wanted.