

“Eat It” and “Like a Surgeon” are parodies of two of the biggest pop stars of all time at the crest of their careers. A significant factor in their success is who they were parodying. It’s probably fair to count “Smells Like Nirvana” as a significant step up in broad recognition for Weird Al as well, one that likely

It’s not and doesn’t, it was just an opportunity to fawn over Evans and Hemsworth.

Considering “Amish Paradise” pushed Weird Al into the main-mainstream, won’t be surprised if every one of his obituaries mentions Coolio, so turn about and all that.

TBF everyone is the worst Chris when the points of comparison are Evans and Hemsworth.

It’s about someone who, you know, thinks that the trip is gonna go this way, and she has this sort of manual of how things should go, you know, she’s a young ensign.

Have Pratt and Krasinski straight-up cannonballed in or are they more of a by-association thing? AFAIK both of them are personally pretty open about their religious feelings but not overbearing about it, and it’s more of a “stance they won’t take” on some issues than anything they’ve out-and-out said. Pratt in

9/11 100% flipped Dennis Miller, surely it had similar effect on others as well. Although I’m pretty sure James Woods has always been a lunatic, he was just a reasonably talented lunatic with a distinctive look and that last part can go a long way.

Don’t you fucking dare lump Beavis and Butt-head in with Friends

“I’m a cool person who’s open to everything, even if it’s horseshit”

My first four years of school are closer historically to WWII than to now. I really didn’t need to have the disparity between how long ago I feel like my teenage years were and how long ago they actually were pointed out to. me mathematically rn

This just kinda didn’t sound like a real thing but I looked it up and god damn it, it is.

It’s almost as if Hollywood is on the lookout for a certain type

TSS was a breath of fresh air compared to the 2016 SS, but yeah I feel your personal evaluation of the film hinges very much on how close to/far from 14 years old you are.

“How does a writer not know this???”

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Was he the ringleader of the shark prank or the one who says “he made me do it?” Which would be worse as a public official?

I didn’t say, “wait for Mike Pence to have his way,” I said, “Wait for the Mike Pences of the world to have their way.” Your rejoinders aren’t nearly as clever as you think they are. There is ample and obvious evidence that the regressive right is extremely persistent in trying to get their way, and to deny that you

performing arts high school

Devil’s advocate, his career was on pause for the second term.