Same. It’s a tomato sauce thing; I can’t handle the smell of cold tomato sauce. Pizza, spaghetti, chili, lasagna - if I smell any of it cold, it makes me gag.
Same. It’s a tomato sauce thing; I can’t handle the smell of cold tomato sauce. Pizza, spaghetti, chili, lasagna - if I smell any of it cold, it makes me gag.
It’s the same flow as like 90% of trap. It would be like one country musician suing another country musician for dropping the “g” from every “-ing” word ending.
It’s a great White Shark, really terrific, many people are saying it’s the Greatest White Shark.
Whether or not Pringles genuinely intended to make tennis balls is still, however, purely a matter of conjecture.
“What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent?”
Well, you found at least one Musk fan who’s going to be incredibly perplexed by Saturday Night Live.
It can be used to do all of those things. It is about none of those things.
You two can have each other, adults are talking
A stabbing implement doesn’t have to be super strong if it’s sharp enough, and the whole story is that icicles have an insufficient combination of sharpness and tensile strength. Icicles tend to be pretty blunt (water droplets are spherical, so they aren’t going to naturally form sharp points or edges). An icicle…
“The defense may make their opening statement.”
We stop pretending we still live in a pre-mass communication world where individual states can act like their decisions don’t directly affect everyone else. But, you know, socialism and whatnot, so we gotta let Texas be Texas.
I came here to respond one more time, but Humboldt already beat me to it.
You’re the second person to accuse me of being elitist while performing the overtly elitist act of neglecting to explain yourself. You’re also either incredibly well-insulated, socially, or blind.
I’m not laying it all on public education. But public education is a place where we can and should be equipping the general public with better safeguards.
Where is anything you’re saying mutually exclusive with anything I’ve said? You say, “wall of arguments to prevent yourself from accepting reality,” and what I’ve said is that the right has found a market for prefabricated walls.
Exactly. They knew because they are in positions and know people in positions to be aware. Hell, the entire series was about Sam and Bucky tracking the Flag Smashers. Spider-man isn’t plugged into all those same networks, and he wasn’t part of the operation from the beginning. Why the hell would they call up Peter…
You do realize that average and any terms involving average are relative right? That even average and above average educational systems are still so poorly designed for the modern world is the problem.
A century-plus of an education system designed to produce dependable, replaceable unskilled laborers.
Another Walker stan.