
Posted this 100% forgetting that Fury was also snapped so he’s only been back existing for like a week himself.

And Fury’s whole deal was always keeping tabs on everyone/everything. His whole value is “is aware of things,” so it makes the least sense for him to be oblivious.

Galloudec ultimately claimed that the two games are actually “very different,” presumably with a straight face

Was just watching the Gene Kelly solo dance scene the other day.

Truth be told, I’m still a little torn on the reveal of Agatha as the “villain” of the piece, both because it feels a bit cliche (“it was me Austin!”) and because having her be “behind it all” kind of robs Wanda of her agency and takes some of the focus away from her character and her attempts to process her

One theory was that Billy was “hearing” everyone screaming inside their own bodies trying to escape and he wasn’t hearing anything inside “Agnes” because she was faking it.

“As anyone who’s been hit by an iceberg in the north Atlantic knows, one person floats away on a damp door, the other person does nothin’”

They displace even more tons of water. And yeah, being “curved in the middle” is a big part of accomplishing that. Also being mostly hollow.

Hell, James Cameron has even done it brilliantly in the first Terminator.

“Your Honor, Mr. Cameron is an expert in general buoyancy knowledge, and it is in this area that his testimony will be applicable.”

Yep. You don’t need to detail Wayne’s process for getting back. You do need to include it in some way though, as it is part of the story. A few brief cutaways like you mentioned—seeing news reports on TV screens in airports or bus terminals—acknowledges the journey back and shows us Batman continuing to track the

The “mission-gone-sideways” story setup of The Raid would work splendidly for a Black Widow movie.

Oh, I’m not planning on getting into arguments with fans. It’s as much a personal principle as anything.

A Camel Through the Eye of a Tattoo Needle (more apropos for Suicide Squad Joker, though)

This is my position. Even when something is obviously first-glance bad I don’t want to talk it down without having actual first-hand knowledge. I’m preparing several notebooks to fill with comments once this hits

As long as it makes sense in recognitions’ head, that’s all that counts. Fortunate that, because that’s often the only place recognitions’ posts make sense.

To re-repurpose a term with a history as a real side-mouthed “compliment” when applied to a black person, Big Boi and Andre are for my money the most articulate rappers ever. Not only did they have something to say, but they had the command to say it with a staggeringly impressive level of lyrical skill. I could spend

Would just like to throw out there that I’d be *MUCH* more invested in some Metroid anniversary stuff than either Mario or Link. Super Metroid might be my most played-through game ever.

Yeah, it’s unfortunate that now even if it’s being used in its correct clinical context, I can’t fully separate the term from its co-option by petty people for petty purposes.

I’m not a muppet √