Money is, by design and necessity, finite. I feel like regular people think it’s not. To that, when rich people take more than others, it’s taken away from those others. They’re not working harder or more.
Money is, by design and necessity, finite. I feel like regular people think it’s not. To that, when rich people take more than others, it’s taken away from those others. They’re not working harder or more.
I’m curious to see how different the reactions from different quarters are on Kobe’s death. He was absolutely one of the biggest figures in maybe the most media-friendly sport, but he wasn’t exactly universally beloved either on or off the court. Obviously the first couple of days aren’t going to see a lot of harsher…
Has anyone checked in on Jimmy the Greek’s opinion?
“Best” is not a term of opinion, even though we use it as if it is.
The real friends were the magic we made along the way (with Antonio Banderas).
What are you, a girl or something?
It seems that the less money Stallone has to work with, the better movie he makes.
Went and saw this today. Tom Hooper has ejaculated in a cat before. 100%.
how to sway anyone’s opinion of him so that they stop supporting him?
As someone who was already drifting from my religious upbringing pre-2016, the wholehearted support for Trump from that camp pretty much severed the cord.
They are actively eroding your democracy right in front of your eyes and you’re letting it happen.
Even real cats hate it.
Pence will certainly keep the religious faction on board, but I highly doubt he’ll have any sort of appeal to the memesters and trolls who essentially formed Trump’s unofficial campaign staff, so maybe that will be enough.
Pretty much, yeah
I’m not trying to argue that ousting Trump fixes everything. Just pointing out the disingenuousness of the Republicans trying to frame impeachment itself as some sort of abuse when it’s being used in exactly the manner it was intended to be.
the trumpers are complaining about “the dems undoing the election”
What was the word of mouth about 3?
Adam Sandler is a serious person. I hear he’s doing a movie about the Russian Revolution.
people keep dropping in and convoluting things that were just fine as structure that didn’t need to be explained in the first movie.