@Patrick Aghajanian: the only issue is that the radio controlled airplanes appear to be flying over Michigan, rather than Pakistan.
@Patrick Aghajanian: the only issue is that the radio controlled airplanes appear to be flying over Michigan, rather than Pakistan.
@CPD: I'd love to explain this one to airport security.
Based on this, and the fact that I am an irredeemable Apple fanboi, the costs of my iPhone and iPad are rapidly approaching zero.
When I was working at Marvel Comics as an Assistant Editor in the late 1980s, the writer of Thor scripted a scene where the Thunder God smashed his hammer into the ground to disperse a crowd of badguys that had piled on him.
@nicklaw17: Thanks for the clarification, that's helpful.
@AwokeKnowing: The process it describes may be something to admire, but it suffers from some common information design problems.
You fail to mention the brighter side, which is it's far cheaper than actually getting drunk.