Marcos Rodríguez

Are you kidding me? Juliet's character is the most layered and interesting character on the show and has easily seen more development than any of the other characters, EVEN SHAWN! I couldn't disagree with you more. Do you even watch the show? because i have watched it since the pilot. You are full of crap!

They didn't add 5 episodes, they only ordered 5 more scripts. The network has not decided yet whether they will be added to the season. Season 8 still only has 8 episodes.

This show isn't supposed to be taken THAT seriously, lighten up reviewer, jeez. I thought it was a great season finale and was refreshing to not have the finale be full of drama and relationship crap. It was hilarious and the cliffhanger was just right, i laughed every minute. Shawn and Juliet are wonderful together

Totally agree with you about Juliet, this would have been believable if they had done it maybe 3 seasons ago, but it's just stupid and a waste of time, and makes Juliet look like an idiot when she is supposed to be really smart and a great detective. I am really pissed at James Roday for writing and directing this