Someday (in a just world) Norv Turner will rule them all!
Someday (in a just world) Norv Turner will rule them all!
Nick, still lovin’ all your articles, the subject matter is indeed intriguing to me. Gonna comment here as I do on many many other Splinter (etc) posts, I am available to hire as an editor/proofreader. Please re-read your post(slowly if needed) to see why.
Cape Code
“The piece was also poorly edited. At one point, he refers to “the opponents of these politician’s.” He means “politicians.” Fuck’s sake, Andrew.”
NON-UNION labor for foreign car manufacturers to keep the cost of your Nissan low, for one.
Old Gill just got a break HOT DAMN!
“Some of them lost because people were frankly voting against the president.”
i bet it’s cuz tweets are only 140 characters and he saved some there after going over the limit. But you know, HATE HATE HATE HATE
Theory: Nancy Pelosi has been dead for decades, she is merely a corpse with a great makeup artist and a Teddy Ruxpin style cassette tape device installed in her chest cavity.
who is she?
Nail on head.
One thing I noticed was absent from both articles was how terribly blatant it is that voting in the USA is ACTUALLY rigged. Not voter suppression laws, not gerrymandering. There are literally dozens of barely reported stories about election rigging going back before the rosy “hanging chad” days of the stolen 2000…
How did they know she was looking at their car? I can’t tell where she is looking in that picture!
FAILING New York Times.......
The folks that were named to the 3 person “Cannabis Commission” were all from the anti-legalization camp. Every Bureaucrat in the state is dragging their feet implementing the law. The “neighborhood groups” are out in force at the meetings, alongside the Liquor Store and bar owners, as well as (GASP) the pharmacies!…
I mean, he had that racist Cambridge cop to the White House for a beer. Can you imagine Trump inviting some libtard cuckflake pink hat-wearing protestor to the WH for a KFC family bucket dinner? I can’t.
Playing Devil’s advocate here I suppose but I have never for a second thought I would ever be welcome in Obama’s circles, and yet, I still admire him.
Nail on the head. A sports blog that consistently turns its back on covering some of the best sports teams in sports cuz TAWMY FROM QUINZEE etc etc, more stereotypes, etc, CHOWDAH.