
OH NO! Then my voice won’t be AS heard?!?!?! On the internet?!?!?! On a shitty sports blog?!?!?!?!

When did he start taking selfies with them? I thought HamNo just collected letters from the downtrodden, wrote a 30 word intro paragraph, then published the letters as “journalism.” Does he actually write shit now? Have I missed some kind of awakening?

“The 2018 Boston Red Sox were really, really good,”

Well, LA is packed to the brim with people from Boston. I have 4-5 friends who were at that game last night, and they all live in LA. They also seemingly had no issue getting tickets which, if the game were in, just no.

The Pats Top brass, coach, and QB being devoted MAGA knuckle draggers is what turned me off.

The Yankees will always suck, forever and ever. This chant breaks out at funerals for chrissakes. Only the western half of CT is somewhat immune. For the rest of NE the suckiness of the Yankees cannot suck any more than anything sucky has ever sucked. 

Hey, I’ll have you know I caught SEVERAL fly balls well into High School, although I wasn’t living in Murderpan at the time...

OH you poor Deadspin writers! I know how excruciating it must be for you to cover a great team from Boston! If only the Sox hadn’t made the World Series you could have just gone on not paying any attention to them! Not to worry, it will be over soon, and you can start researching your hate articles for the Pats in Feb

Oh shit you guys are forced to cover a good Boston sports team now that they’re in the championship series! I know it sucks, but, you’ll make it through these tough times. See you again in February!

See, you can tell you’re a conservative since you have no grasp of sarcasm, irony, or satire.

He was lingering on the block, gave the finger to a cop....

In no universe is that man flat.

People will read this and think “how clever and neat!” and not realize what total bullshit it was, even with your disclaimer at the bottom. After 15 years battling that thing I finally ripped mine out about 5 years ago and replaced it with the Mexi-bug pump/reservoir that mounts on a fender bolt and never looked back.

Really appreciating your stories re: Native American issues lately Nick. Thanks and keep writing them!


Will this new league allow hitting, tackling, and blocking? If so it has real potential. Will it take a panel of physicists to determine what a catch is? If not its pretty much a lock to overtake the NFL. Getting in on the ground floor is the smart move here.

Um, hard NO on this. Maine has very loose inspection laws(Example: “A torn C.V. boot, rack and pinion boot, or ball joint boot is no longer a cause for rejection.” yeah have fun with your rusted and broken axles in middle of winter). None of those $1000 beaters would be street legal in MA, in fact they are probably

You can if this person just keeps posting it like it seems they are....

He just proved he is not ANY better than a republican. If there was no way out then he should have voted NO and at least helped try to stop this confirmation. This is a thing you will never see a republican do. Scott Brown did not break from party lines to try and court Dem voters in MA. he knew he lucked into the

Welp, I was really hoping it wouldn’t come to this, and I hate to have to be the one to say it, but it’s time for a leading Democrat to sexually assault Susan here. NOT LIKE, rape or anything, just some light assault, like Louis CK style. Maybe like, Uncle Chuck gets her alone in the copy room and whips his dick out