
If it’s not the environment, but prepping that gets these (mostly) very conservative people to care about alternative energy then I’m all for it.

You missed my point entirely. So what if he bragged about that fact in a private meeting? That does NOTHING to burn the source of the intelligence. What burned the source of the intelligence was someone leaking the details(which country and how they came to know the information, sources and methods) to the press

Guess he finally achieved OT XII.

No such thing as “above top secret”. If you don’t know your subject, ask someone who does before you write it down and look like an idiot.

President Trump didn’t burn any intelligence source. He had a private conversation with the Foreign Minister and Ambassador from Russia. In it he disclosed to them a threat that essentially all countries face from ISIS regarding laptops on aircraft. I’ve seen no reporting suggesting that Russia is an ISIS ally and

blame the lamestream media for blowing the guys cover.

Media: “hmmm, the collusion angle didn’t work.” What should we do now? Our witch hunt isn’t going as planned! “Hey guys, look! Trump is meeting with Russia in the white house”. This just in: An anonymous source has informed us that Trump shared super duper top secret information with PUTIN!”

I can’t believe China and India actually fell for this hoax promulgated by wealthy fat cat scientists! Lol !!1

These and the other things are why i laugh anytime someone here says “but China” or “but India” people love to scapegoat those countries but have no idea what is really going on. It is the first indicator that they have no idea what they are talking about.

So no prison for corruption, or fraud, or embezzlement, or cyber crime, or perjury, or bribery?... What about as deterrent?

I would have a MUCH more favorable view of her had she simply accumulated and released only the specific documents detailing crimes and abuses which deserved to see the light of day. But instead, she indiscriminately dumped MILLIONS of pages of classified material into the open without regard for what the vast

the popular reason: transgender

Now my money goes to providing her with medical services for life? Veterans face real issues due to their service, she sat in a Barnes and Noble to upload some emails?

I’m totally baffled why we treat this person as a hero.

This has nothing to do with science or technology. It’s about someone’s opinion of political borders. Go to to read an example of objective fact based reporting if you don’t know what I mean.

You should stick to tech reporting instead of political nonsense and tabloid like posts.’s page visits are waaay down ever since you started being a website more about politics than science and technology.

Maybe it’s a generational thing? I grew up in the 80's and loved the crap out of this book.

How did having a Union work out for you guys when Denton took his golden parachute?

Yeah the definite way to level the playing field is for the oppressed to bite their tongues