
Matt you’ve gone off the fucking deep end man. What would your strategy have been? To deconstruct our nuclear arsenal and just hope that the Soviets and Chinese followed suit? If people like you ran this country, we’d all be dead. Neville Chamberlain worshipping idiots.

SDI was a successful attempt at getting the Soviets to understand they were too bankrupt to compete in an arms race. We spent a few tens of millions of dollars and ended the Cold War - a bargain of epic proportions.

All of these comments hating on him does a good job justifying his need for security.

See, that’s what MIGHT save the IT admin’s ass. Physical security wasn’t the IT department’s primary problem, that’s the whole goddamn point of a prison. :)

Actually there is. If Apple itself will not support 32-bit ABIs, then your 32-bit application can no longer run in a 64 bit environment. 32-bit applications still run on Windows because it has that WOW64 business to allow 32-to-64 bit compatibility.

I think (don’t know for sure) that they have access to computers, just not Internet access.

All the aliens will do is take all our water. Why are we relying on them to preserve the earth?

It does bring up one interesting point though, a certain oddity of World War 2. While the German army used chemical weapons extensively and disgustingly in concentration camps, their battlefield use by the Wehrmacht was very limited. As far as I can tell the Wehrmacht only used chemical weapons on an open battle field

AD is so new that there’s not many devices that can run on it.
Once I see devices and computers that can use it I’ll adjust my stance.
So, for now, I can build a system for <$500 without AD.

If you want to run Plex on a router, good luck... the compute power just isn’t there. It’s designed to run on a server or NAS.


Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

I’d love to see more router reviews. My nighthawk R7000 is prematurely flaking out. I’m interested in learning more about these “mesh” router networks, but not sure which ones are worth getting. I live a multi-story house and have been using Powerline adapters to get my gear upstairs connected. Is there a clear

That and they did the guy throws guy into hole thing a couple episodes prior in Across the Sea, establishing who Jacob and Smokey were.

Interesting... I hadn’t heard this bit. Is there some source info? If true, the author really should re-consider using this example

What’s especially despicable about United is the fact that this latest jaw-dropping incident doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for the airline. It was just a couple of weeks ago that United refused to allow three young girls to board their flight, because they were wearing leggings. United didn’t apologize for that

Yeah cause selling heroin that is killing people is so nonviolent...

“BUT MAH PRIVACY!” - Also Liberals.

Yet you kids wonder why no one of importance takes you seriously.

Uh.... Much as I hate Trump, we should have enforced a clearly declared no fly zone back in 2013. No Syrian, Russian, or any non-NATO aircraft of any sort allowed.

Honestly, I may not be a huge fan of his but after last week’s gas attack... this was probably a good move. It shows strength at a time that most nations are probably questioning whether this administration will be a complete pushover with a big mouth.

Well who wouldn’t complain if MSNBC were clogging their very limited programming choices. There is a reason why even the left doesn’t watch it consistently; just look at the numbers, they are abysmal.

I filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Defense