
Especially when they are turning the monitor off and then on.

The RNC is using a host company based out of Chattanooga that the RNC has used for years. Hillary used a server in an apartment ran by one admin on the side, who did not know how to secure it. If you Google it , the hackers attempted, but did not succeed.

There is a difference in having a company host your email and having a little server in an apartment with one admin, who does not know how to secure it.

Hence, they try to use a separate email.

You are right on no charges were filed because they did not find any evidence of ‘enemy hunting’. But the same article does say that Lerner deliberately destroyed emails and back up tapes. So you can say that the IRS has been absolved, but it sure smells fishy.

Now playing

No, it is the Secretary of State who ran an Illegal server. She knew it was illegal. She used it to avoid having her communications recorded and available to the public. Here is a state department video of her giving a lecture on cyber security .

Once we stop using the below products, we can stop using oil. All the below products are made from crude oil.saccharine (artificial sweetener)roofing paper aspirin hair coloring heart valves crayons parachutes telephones bras transparent tape antiseptics purses deodorant panty hose air conditioners shower curtains

Accidents will happen with pipelines or oil trains. Which one looks worse to you? The top one is an oil leak from a pipeline. It is bad, it can be cleaned up. The bottom one is an oil train derailment. Oil is spilt, catches fire, foam has to be used to put it out, people die from the fire/wreck/impending explosion. We

So, to save the environment, we want less efficient trains to haul the oil westerly to a Canadian port, then ship it to China/other country so they can refine it , so they can sell it back to the U.S?

They did not hack our election. Someone hacked Hillary’s email server and the DNC. They then leaked it to WikiLeaks. The mainstream media then kept reporting new leaks day in and day out. Whoever hacked the servers influenced the media, which probably influenced the election some. Best analogy is this-> Yea some

Not if you paid for it. If you are not confident, then do a packet capture on your outbound traffic using wireshark for awhile. It is free and you may learn something.

Obama used the IRS as a tool to go after PACs, conservative talk show hosts, and would verbally make fun of Fox news. Will Trump do the same? Time will only tell.

Trump could use the IRS as a tool to go after any offending people/organizations. There is a precedent for it and it works. The only hitch is you have to find a fall guy (girl).