
I know! I least *one* Oscar in his future.

Okay I will admit they seem to have issues with rivers. The barrel race in the last one was a bit sloppy.

Rekt 'em? Damn near KILLED 'em!

Really?! Looked pretty good to me?

I can attest that Steam has been deadly to my wallet and free time

He's mad at it?

Great username too

Great choices! I love Wolf Like Me by TV on the Radio.

Give me a ping, Vasily. One ping only, please.

I think it's funny to see how the American Bear interceptors have evolved over the years. I'd be curious to know if there are any such pilots today who had Cold War era fathers or uncles with similar tales

Still have this patch from some air show

Where was this guy when we need him?

Tell that to the poor Tunnel Rats

Dat smile

Wow, haven't seen that in ages.