Yeah they can flex pretty far without braking. Boeing 777 wing break test:
But can he do this?
Put an actual head in it first
AWESOME!!! Though it makes me sad that I'm not this talented with stuff
Viva la France!
Oh and, to you, kid...yeah the one with the baguette...
Best "I have no idea what I'm doing" image yet
Screw you Chick-fil-A, I'm trying to lose weight here
And another clip from the TrackCam
Subtle off-white coloring, tasteful thickness, and a watermark, or no deal.
Any movie in which Idris Elba dies is going to be awful.
"Michael Fassbender's severed head?"
"How do you sleep at night?"
Baaaa e-cigs are for hippies anyhow!
The Alamo in San Antonio TX is no different. Very underwhelming, especially with the modern buildings surrounding it
Am I the only one whose eyeballs scream whenever trailers do that "flash to black and then fade into another 2-second excerpt over an over again" thing? Or am I just getting old?
The day is close at hand!