Marcin Radzikowski
marcinradzikowski's official. This has been the worst kept secret in F1. Now, if only McLaren can get their driver line up in shape in time for 2015, then we will hopefully be celebrating McLaren-Honda success. I wonder if there's any hope the the good 'ol red-white livery to make a comeback...

Yep...totally agree. It'll be a case of " need to pay more attention as the computer will stop the car before anything bad happens..."

"Hybercar"? What? Guys, spend the extra 30 seconds and proofread your articles.

Not a big shock given the previous car that Lamborghini unveiled...and I love it just as much as the Veneno. Michael is spot on the comment that this is a true supercar...not some middle aged doctor's mid-life crisis 458 spyder in p***y magnet yellow. Every kid will go bat-shit crazy for these cars and I guarantee

My first car was a 1987 Coupe GT...front wheel drive, normally aspirated, and automatic!!! What sacrilege. I bought it when it already had over 135,000 km, was nearly 8 years old, and was in dire need of attention. But it was my first car and it made me fall in love with Audi's in general. Very quickly I learned

I fail to comprehend how this society (North American for the most part) doesn't get it that the only thing you should be doing behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is driving and paying attention to the traffic and road conditions around you. I guess this is why my passengers (the few times they're in the car) get

...and that's a nearly 200 year old AK he's shooting...

Asshats all around...the bikers and the driver.

Wrong. Left lane is for passing and if you're matching the speed of the vehicles in the right lane're not you should move over to the right.

Ron Howard just gave me a boner!

Prior to getting my current system (back in the summer of 2011) my PC was circa 2003! I really didn't do much gaming (other than when the system was new...UT2k3 was great!) so I didn't have a need for a leading edge PC. What do you really need to surf the web, respond to emails, Facebook, and download the occasional

Too true...

OK...That opening just behind the front wheels looks absolutely stupid.

Why does this series need 6 classes? Also...we won't see the top Le Mans prototype class in North America...great...

Darn right! There's only one car I know that had this right, the BMW M3 with the SMG option. Under acceleration, it's completely counter-intuitive and down right dangerous to require to push something forward to change up a gear. Hence, I will never buy a car (as long as a manual is available) with this type of's a stupid place to put the release. However, when is the last time you actually used the "manual release" on a trunk? I have an eight year old car and I always use my remote key fob. These days, even cheap econo-boxes have them and the manual release is just a back up in the situation that your remote's

Agreed. For $4.6 million bucks I don't want to see the Audi/VW parts bin being raided (e.g. air vents). I love Audi (all I've ever owned) but this is the type of flak Corvette used to get...

Oh, this brings back memories! I still have my Casio fx-7000G and it still works!