
Sorry but that’s just bad advice. Debt is bad but it depends on how you’re approaching it. If I can get a 0-0.9% loan on a car and I have the cash, I would rather invest that cash into a high yield savings account or a fund such as Vanguard. The money you’ll make will offset the debt balance and you can always pay off

There have been a few cars here and there that really jumped out but then Nissan, just as they were getting better, just stopped caring. 02-06 Altima comes to mind most recently. completely changed Nissan’s approach and even went for the sporty family car. Now, there’s really nothing they have to get me to the dealer.

Between the front bumper and the interior, not it would be high on my list. It’s a good car but definitely not high on the list.

Hmmm.... fuel is getting way more expensive, and no one seems to realize it. You sure you love all those huge SUVs?

I’ve grown to like the look from the outside, at least for the 08 models. I just can’t get over that interior. Sad this didn’t stick around to at least the restyled interior that made its way to the rest of the lineup.

If only all cities had this approach. Still see so many accidents where the driver opens the door right in-front of a cyclist as the bike lane is between the driver and street

Great scene watching the movie and was so thrilled that I didn’t hear any cheers. Also saw the movie during a weekday after the first weekend crowd died down so might have helped.

This. It does suck not having a nice car or the latest cell phone but those are ultimately small things you think about later in life. Better to be free financially and get to choose what to do with life than be forced into something you don’t want to do. Wish I did the same earlier in life but working hard to get

It’s a bit different than not keeping it, they miscalculated the demand and we’re going to be in a shortage of whiskey in general. Time to run to the local Asian markets and pick up a few bottles

Funny, was talking about this the other day after Ford’s announcement to move away from cars. Gas hasn’t been cheap in the US for a while, at least not by the standards we remember. We all just got used to pay $3-4 a gallon over the years.

I thought the same until I moved into the city. I still have my cars but unless I have to, I refuse to drive in the city.

2nd Gear: Ford Isn’t Retreating, M’Kay?

It’s not a fear, more of an annoyance now. Read through the some of the articles out there around the patents and companies such as health and auto insurance, travel, etc are all looking to get the data. Now what’s to happen should all of that feed into your health provider and change your rate based on a conversation

Everything up to the Echo is fine, that’s the one I would toss out.

Creating it yourself is a little different than buying the various parts from Google or Amazon. I don’t have any of the smart speakers at home and don’t plan on adding any, even avoid Alexa and similar like the plague. It’s not that I dislike them, I just don’t need another company to listen in on what’s going on in

This. Dated someone that was going through residency and the amount of stress was ridiculous. They were treated like crap, given close to impossible deadlines and expectations to meet, and knew that if they complained, someone else was waiting to take their place just to have the hospital name on their resume. On top

yeah, there’s still improvement to be made, for all the carriers really. Shame that it’s so broken apart and you’re forced into just one carrier in such cases.

There always seems to be a budget towards save everything possible and while doable, sounds miserable too until you hit your goal and you never know what may happen that prevents you from hitting that goal (your or family health, kids, losing a job, etc). Finding a good balance is far more important. If you don’t

Curious where you don’t get reception. Most rural places we go and have no issue for reception are Spring Green, WI and river area, Summit County, CO (includes up on the peaks), around Hartford, CT (CT was a huge issue in terms of reliable connection several years back), any town in CA between LA, SF, and SD. If we’re

T-Mobile does this too, actually almost every company does. Had the original HTC One and it was loaded with bloat from T-Mobile and needed to be flashed. Best thing about them though is you can get an unlocked phone, though Verizon does this too but not as easy. At least it’s not as bad as it was in the pre-iPhone