
Anybody think he's got a golden Iron Throne somewhere? That and the painting that absorbs all his sins. The man fits almost any evil legend.

Where did they get those chains, Home Depot?

Dragons are monsters, especially when they are controlled by other monsters.

I'm confused about something. Are Itchy and Scratchy real? We see them planned out, drawn and test marketed. Then they show up as guests on Springfield Squares along with Ron Howard. Someone is real and I'm not sure who anymore.

They also remember when dinosaurs had saddles for kids to ride.

I'm usually on my laptop. But I don't wear earbuds. I enjoy ragging on those shows too much.

O … K

True. I'm watching because my choice is to hide in another room during General Hospital, Grey's Anatomy and GoT. So I sit, I watch and I snark. It's my way of dealing.

I see a Sarah McLachlin ad in the future.

Do you think Dany and Jon Snow will have children? Then the show will no longer be about "Who will sit on the Iron Throne" but "Who will shit in the Iron Potty".

:"And that little boy nobody liked grew up to be … Roy Cohn."

Soon you'll be able to go to your local arena for "Game of Thrones On Ice"

I live with a GoT fan (which is why I'm watching any of it) and she was okay with hundreds of people being gruesomely burned alive but got very upset when the dragon was shot down. There's your review right there.

Nothing about GoT is about "what's good for the people", who should definitely rise and kill all these assholes. It's about one person's ambition destroying everything. They keep saying "Winter is coming". Really? You wouldn't know it. Is anyone even stocking up on firewood? Whatsername DragonLady all but came

Horiffying - Game of Scones

Pro rata

Yes, intensely. I won't repeat it but I left a longer message explaining it.

I read Cloud Atlas and it was awful. I think it's one of those movies whose tagline should be "They said it couldn't filmed and brother were they right!"

Boogie Nights was one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. It looks like some Lifetime movie or a Right Wing Christian anti-porn screed. It's crazy that Nina Hartley (who has been in a successful three-way marriage for decades with no one killing anyone) is cast as the porn star murdered by her husband for

All the aliens, bugs, asses, group minds - it's the most diverse show on TV.