Why you are right on the money.
Why you are right on the money.
So why do you care is someone forcing you to go see it, or is it your not getting enough attention because someone is spending too much time playing games and not kissing you tush. From what you have said to people on this site you are not very lovable. Nice gets nice mean gets ignored.
Oh really, because I bet he was bad at playing the game so he went in wanting to not like it..... so for him its a bad movie. For me I have been playing for almost 11 years still love the game so I go in wanting to love the movie..... but I will go see for myself so please go if you want don’t go if you want but…
So do you believe everything you hear or read or do you just not want to like Warcraft? Just because some critic didn't like it will mot stop me from watching it and making up my own mind.
If you have not seen the movie how can you assume this review is correct? I for one will wait until I see it, which I think is the real reason for this so called bad review. It just makes smart people want to see for themselves. I am pretty sure a lot of people who would not have gone to see it will go just to see who…
If only half of the people who still play World of Warcraft go to see Warcraft they will at least get back their investment if not make a huge profit. My whole family are going so that’s at least 12 tickets.
I just wonder when and where you saw a movie that’s not even released yet? from what I read here you really do not know much about the game, a few small details like a Merloc but you claim you know what a Litch King is its the Litch King there is only one, he is leader of a bunch of undead creatures. So you really…