
I’ve always wondered which sport is being referenced by the Range Rover Sport. ‘Spitting on the poor’ doesn’t have a league table, but I guess Range Rover Hobby doesn’t have the same ring to it.

A good place to highlight that time in the late 60s that Chevrolet decided it might be a great idea to sell Holdens to the South Africans, but figured some localisation might be in order for the Apartheid-era market. “South Africans won’t want a car called a ‘Monaro GTS’ - we need something they can identify with. How

In an interesting little co-incidence, Bon Jovi are (is?) performing in Adelaide tonight, where the Commodore is manufactured along with the local version of the Cruze. Their stage is the (narrowed) front end of a '59 Buick Electra. Reasonable odds on there being a fair number of GM employees and/or enthusiasts in the