
Even if we did we wouldn’t call them kilometers. It’d be “freedom miles” or something equally stupid. Instead of kilograms, patriot pounds. In fact I’m going to tweet this so I can be sure our soon-to-be president will see it.

This mixing of measuring units is really irritating. What is g/lb? When do we switch to the metric system?

Sorry if that was unclear, buying a car from a Tesla store is basically this. You go to your local store and talk with a product specialist, you can conduct a test drive if you like. If you choose to buy you then order a car with your desired options. Car is delivered and you pay for it (or lease it). No haggling, no

thanks for improving the outlook of my week, y’all

After reading this, I think I can now excel at Word.

Ah yes, the Apple store— where you have to make an appointment in order to purchase an off-the-shelf item, and where your technical needs will be met by a Genius(TM) who is allotted ten minutes to fix your issue before the resort to just replacing your device because it’s easier that way. There are two things that are

Heavily biased article, and one that doesn’t accurately represent where those politicians stand on those policies. For abortion, yeah, they want to stop killing babies. They believe the life of a baby supersedes the right of the mother when she is deciding to have sex. Most people on that stage suggest that you limit