Marcello Roma

There is a neighborhood map of donors who contribute to this hate-mongering racist. I can’t believe my next door neighbor gave money to this man.

Jackson is not a garden-variety pervert. Rather, he is the quintessential deviant unlike myself, who over the past 40 years has only viewed porn through the prism of social-scientific research.

Then let this Italian point you in the right direction.

Indeed, the pleasure was mine. Much like a dog I am rather selective about where I shit. Only after sniffing around and finding the very best spot do I drop my load. In this case, call it quid pro quo, a professional courtesy . . . a disproportionate number of Miami Cubans have been shitting on American taxpayers by

I lived in Miami. Cuban coffee (and food) tastes like shit. They use Pilon or Cafe Bustelo - low quality coffee for the Oyes que come lo que pico el pollo. Those ubiquitous Cuban coffee shops with their water-filled yellow and red construction worker Igloo coolers at the “para llevar” window, the rancid odor of mojo

Youth - wasted on the young.