Professional Chair Tester

I’m sure the players love the idea of risking their careers to play for free for a few extra years too.

Every other team is owned by a greedy, real-life bond villian. Of all the things to criticize this franchise and it’s fans over, this is really not one of them.

How about the NCAA shouldn’t have any fucking say in the business dealings of people who aren’t even in the NCAA.

Lavar Ball vs The NCAA is the next Hulk Hogan vs Gawker; two absolutely irredeemably bad humans against two of the most sanctimonious, unscrupulous organizations in American history.

Probably because another team is paying Osweiler’s salary, and he already knows the offense. Yes, osweiler is a terrible QB, but hes still the better choice for Denver in virtually every way.   

I think he’s sincere, but I also think he sincerely thinks that being personally involved in the relief effort (i.e. getting In the way of actual aid workers) is the best way to help, which it really isn’t.




Vastly underrated comment here.

They also think that the 205 foot home runs they hit in little league count.

What MLB park has a 200 foot fence?

How deep was the fence?

Fuck cats

I starred this gif before it loaded and I’d never seen it before.

Get a life, bro.

I worked on the series and thought it would be much better. Seems very poorly edited to me. The key moments of character and plot development don’t have a chance to linger, while the mechanical establishing dialogue hangs too long without any real tension to back it.

If you can’t see the difference between the people at barstool making risqué, tongue-in-cheek jokes, and actual racists, then you are a fucking simpleton.

That’s absurd.

I think the correct answer is: police brutality is bad; wearing pig socks to a press conference is stupid.