Professional Chair Tester

Neither is Trevor Noah. This is what happens when you let Twitter activists choose your lineup.

Yes, “fuck everyone who tries to find an outside the box solution or band-aid to a massive problem we may otherwise be unable to forestall.”

A series of floating controllable hydraulic heads would work much better and would be far less damaging to the oceans.

Well, trains are much slower than planes, so it takes many more man-hours (and, of course, actual hours) to get from New York to DC.

There are airlines like that. Furthermore, most major airlines offer business class and 1st class to people willing to pay more for the added comfort and leg room.

Broadly it could constitute fraud under federal false advertising regulations since Facebook marketed its newsfeed as being organically derived from the bottom up, free of any top-down bias in terms of story promotion.

Anyone who pays any attention to the into credits could have figured this out since he was listed second among FEATURED cast members.

See one in person. I didn’t get it either until I did.

I stopped when they showed us the least important or memorable shot from Citizen Kane instead of literally any I their shot from that movie. I'd love to see their justification there because man was that one off target.

Please let this guy be North London’s John Daley.

They should give all presidents one 8-year term so they don’t spend their first four years walking a re-election tightrope only to be abandoned by their party when they're too disillusioned to put much effort into supporting the next person in line.

Well, it has technically been springtime for nearly a month now, so...? George Carlin once said, “99.999% of all species that ever lived are gone; we didn’t kill them all”.

Theres gotta be a pretty large overlap in the Venn Diagram for Trump/Cards supporters.

Pants are restrictive and uncomfortable, so I don’t wear them in public.

Entitled cop vs. entitled yuppie jogger.

Paranoid idiots like you will be responsible for thousands of totally avoidable road fatalities because your fear will force government officials to slow the pace of change.

Wow you guys get butthurt easily.

Win one without an asterisk attached due to a cheating/spying/murder-plot scandal of some kind and we’ll talk.

Holy shit! Someone else really shares this secret annual tradition with me. We should be friends.